board of directors ι
check partner ι
SecurLOCK Equip ι
fraud protection ι
christmas club ι
skip a pay ι
statements ι
air evac lifeteam ι
traveling? ι
student loans ι
debit cards ι
lost cards ι
important information ι
member changes
Board of Directors Positions
We will have 2 positions available on the Credit Union Board of Directors. Those that are interested can contact our nominating committee:
Amber Sanders, Catrina Evans, or Jerry Bland by March 6, 2025.
New Check Partner

We are excited to announce Main Street, Inc. as our new check partner for personal checks on the share draft accounts. There are many options and designs to choose from, as well as our exclusive Credit Union design. Because this is a new Vendor, the credit union will need to place your first order. You can visit the credit union office to look at the catalog or click the link to browse the website and then give the credit union office a call to place your first order.
Main Street Checks -
SecurLOCK Equip Mobile App

SecurLOCK Equip is a new mobile app that
allows you to control how, when, and where your debit or credit card is used. It is a simple and secure way to manage and monitor your debit or credit card activity. SecurLOCK Equip can help keep your debit or credit cards safe and provide instant notifications whenever your card is used. If you are an Apple user you will go to the App Store and download "SecurLOCK Equip". If you are an Android user you will go to Google Play Store and download "SecurLOCK Equip".
VISA Fraud Protection
To further protect you, you will receive a text, phone call, and/or email asking you to confirm if suspicious purchases are valid or not. You will only be asked to verify if you did or did not make the purchase,
they will not ask you for your account or personal information, they will only verify the last 4 numbers of your card number. Please make sure we have your updated information in the office so we can act quickly to prevent fraudulent activity on your account.
Christmas Club

You can start your 2025 Christmas Club at any time by coming by the Credit Union office. If you have previously had a Christmas Club account and didn't close it, yours should have automatically transferred and will continue to deposit the same amount you have been depositing. If you had to close your Christmas Club account early, you will need to stop by the Credit Union office to reopen this account. There is not a minimum amount you have to deposit to this account and you can make changes to your Christmas Club at any time.
Ask us how you can skip your monthly loan payment.
Member Statements
With the rising costs of processing statements and postage continuing to rise, we are going to be forced to start charging to receive a paper statement in the mail. However, you do have the choice of receiving your statement electronically. We usually have the electronic statements available on the first working day of the month verses receiving them mid-month with the mailed paper statement. You would be contacted via e-mail that they are ready to be viewed and you have the option of printing or saving it. The change will take place
September 1, 2022 and the cost will be $3.00 per month or quarter, whichever way you receive them.
AirMedCare Credit Union Discount
We offer a discount to join the Air Evac/AirMedCare Team. They now offer monthly rates as well as yearly and multi-yearly rates. Check out the link and you can download the application to submit it to representative
Dustin White to join.
Air Evac Lifeteam Application
Are you traveling?
Please let the office know if you are going to be traveling out of state so we can notify Visa that it's not suspicious activity on your debit or credit card.
We have Sallie Mae Student Loans!
We offer Sallie Mae student loans!!
PLEASE NOTE: There is a daily limit of $1,005 on the Visa debit cards. This is a security feature that has been set with Visa to protect our members in the case of a lost or stolen card. Please call the credit union on the day that you know you are going to exceed this amount, and we will be glad to make the necessary changes to your account temporarily.
Lost or Stolen Debit or Credit Cards
If you have a lost debit card (lighthouse cards), please call 1-800-500-1044. If you have a lost credit card (blue & white cards), please call 1-800-543-5073.
Important Information:
Please check with the office and make sure you have a beneficiary on your account in the event of a death. This prevents your funds from being tied up within the state, and allows your assigned beneficiary to withdrawal your funds without the long term delay. Please make sure we have your updated address, cell phone number, and email address.
Member Information Changes
If you have recently moved or changed your name, please contact us as soon as possible so we can make the necessary changes.